4 Ways to Motivate your Sports Facility Staff

When running operational and admin tasks, utilizing a sports facility management software such as Upper Hand removes hours of extra work from your hands. But, being a great manager and leader isn’t something you can buy. These four tips to motivate your staff will help you lead better and enhance the overall culture of your sports facility.

4 Ways to Encourage Girls’ Sports Participation

Girls are dropping out of their sport at a much higher rate than boys – in fact, six times the rate of boys by the age of 14.
Sports have the ability to bring people together, build someone up, and inspire others. Here are 4 tips to encourage young women to stick to their sports and believe in themselves.

How to Write a Press Release for your Sports Business

sports business marketing strategies

You’ve generated some buzz on social media, and have been communicating the change with your current clients. But, how can you really spread the word and share your good news with the community? One way to gain exposure is through a press release. Here’s how you can utilize this form of earned media and the key elements and steps to write an effective press release that captures media attention.

How to Attract More of the Clients You Want with Athlete Personas

youth sports registration

Marketing a sports business to the people you want isn’t always easy; maybe you offer multiple sports training, serve different ages, or see various groups come to your sessions. Creating a customer persona can be immensely helpful if you’re operating a sports business and facing uncertainty about your target market. Here’s how to create one (or a few) for your business.

How to Elevate your Business through Earned Media

sports business marketing strategies

Earned media is material about you or your business that you haven’t paid for or created yourself. Earned media is the hardest type of media to obtain, but holds the most power. It is important that you know how to acquire earned media in your sports business, and we will highlight some of the many types of earned media to strive for.

6 Creative Strategies to Keep Young Athletes Engaged in Essential Drills

youth sports team management

Mastering the fundamentals of a sport is crucial, but sometimes those essential drills and exercises can seem a bit dull. This is especially true for young athletes who would rather be playing than practicing. So, how can you make training more fun and engaging for them? In this blog, we will explore six ideas to integrate fun elements into training sessions.

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Gross Profit Margins for your Sports Facility

Volleyball App for coaches

It’s important to be strategic when running a sports facility. Understanding profitability is key when running a sports business, and this post will lay out exactly what it means and how to optimize profit margins for your sports facility. To maximize profit margins, focus on increasing revenue through strategies such as offering yearly memberships, utilizing space for camps and clinics, or renting out your facility for events.

9 Small Considerations for Sports Facility Owners to Harness Big Results

By focusing on key aspects such as atmosphere, cleanliness, design, social engagement, and amenities, you can transform your studio into a vibrant and inviting place that attracts clients and helps them achieve their performance goals. These practical tips can be used to maximize the potential of your sports training facility and create an environment that fosters success.

Ready to Start a Newsletter for your Sports Business? Here’s How:

sports facility software

Whether you own a sports facility, fitness center, boutique gym, or sports performance business, creating an email marketing campaign can benefit your company. 4 billion people use their email everyday, and are receiving emails from your competitors. Here’s how you can set yourself apart from the competition: