The Power of Belief and Resilience in Shaping the Future

Lil Puckett’s journey with the Missouri Volleyball Academy emerged as a pioneering force in the local sports scene an embodiment of strength, diversity, and family values.

Lilith Puckett’s journey with the Missouri Volleyball Academy exemplifies unwavering faith and resilience in the face of adversity. Starting in 2013 with six teams, MOVA has emerged as a pioneering force in the local sports scene, embodying strength, diversity, and family values, despite encountering trials that tested their limits.

Embracing Change with Faith

March 2023 marked a significant turning point for MOVA. Faced with an unforeseen eviction from their facility, a wave of uncertainty enveloped the academy. Yet, Lilith, guided by a profound belief in a divine plan, saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. This period of displacement, instead of discouraging the MOVA family, fueled their resolve. The recent approval of a building they could call their own represented a beacon of hope, a testament to their indomitable spirit.

“I believe God’s hand has been with MOVA from day 1. We continue to work on growing the kids, teaching life skills, helping them get scholarships, being together as a family, building every child to believe and have faith, and most of all being a club that is the most diverse in our region.”

Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of opening MOVA, Lilith reflects on all the club has accomplished. They have grown by 1-2 new teams every year, started a boy’s program that has seen success, and found a building for them to call home.

Moreover, MOVA was nominated for the Top 4 Club of Choice in the US and Canada, and Lilith was nominated for the 2023 AVCA Diversity Award, which she went on to win.

Lilith’s Journey of Determination

Growing up a softball player, Lilith wasn’t super familiar with volleyball. However, her daughter’s passion for the sport inspired her and she became hooked. Coaching volleyball quickly became her safe place. Volleyball brought her and her daughter closer, and today she has been coaching the sport for 22 years.

“I want to share my passion for volleyball with every athlete who walks through this door! I love each and every player I coach. My teams become a part of my family. Starting MOVA truly changed my life. Initially, we were few, but we made a pact to be a family. This is now our 11th year and I strongly believe we have upheld our pact.”

Lilith Puckett’s personal narrative intertwines closely with MOVA’s trajectory. Battling health issues while navigating MOVA through turbulent times, she stands as a beacon of courage. She and her husband’s background enriches MOVA’s culture, bringing depth to their philosophy of nurturing talent and character.

Beyond Volleyball: Crafting Future Leaders

MOVA’s mission is to develop young athletes to be the best volleyball players they can be while fostering positive life skills they will take into adulthood and the rest of their lives. They focus on dedication, responsibility, team cohesion, persistence, and service to others.

“I have very high expectations for each member of our club. They give 100% during every practice and tournament, and they trust me and trust each other. Inclusion and team harmony are encouraged throughout the season. I push my athletes to become better volleyball players and respectable young adults.”

This mission transcends volleyball coaching. With a commitment to volunteerism and fostering an inclusive environment, the academy leaves a monumental impact on its members. Lilith’s vision extends to molding leaders equipped with confidence and a sense of community service.

“We give back to the sports community by volunteering our organization in different types of service. The kids learn to appreciate what they have and being able to be a part of serving our community to give back humbles us all.”

A Sanctuary for Growth and Belief

As MOVA prepares to transition into its new facility, aspiration fills the air. This space is envisaged not merely as a volleyball academy but as a sanctuary where dreams are nurtured, faith is honored, and futures are forged. Here, every child is provided the foundation to grow, believe, and achieve.

“Every kid and every person who steps into our facility should feel proud, feel loved, and see the hard work they put in.”

Not only is each athlete a part of the MOVA family, but the coaches contribute to the inclusive environment of the club.

“The coaches at MOVA are incredible teachers and exceptional motivators. I have watched them grow as individuals, coaches, and essential members of our MOVA family. Our coaches support each other on and off the court! Most of the time, there’s another MOVA team watching and supporting their MOVA family of players and coaches. It truly warms my heart to know that my coaches genuinely care for each other and ALL of the athletes in the club, not just the ones on their teams.”

A Testament to Perseverance

Lilith Puckett’s and MOVA’s story is a powerful narrative of faith, determination, and community impact through sports. As they move forward, their journey stands as a testament to the idea that with belief in a higher purpose and a committed community, resilience becomes the bedrock of transformation.

In partnership and celebration, MOVA’s story resonates as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to persist, contribute, and envisage a future where obstacles are merely stepping stones to greater heights. This story of transformation and community uplift underscores the relevance of faith, perseverance, and unity in achieving shared dreams.

About MOVA Volleyball Club

MOVA Volleyball Club, founded in 2013 in Hazlewood, Missouri is dedicated to the young athletes in their area. Founded on faith, diversity, and family, their mission is to develop the young athletes to be the best volleyball players they can be while fostering the positive life skills they need to take into adulthood and further.

Lilith Puckett and her team believe that what happens during practice, on the court, and at team-building and community service events delivers a lasting impression on our youth. Both on and off the court, they strive to make valuable impressions through positive, constructive, demanding, and compassionate instruction.

To learn more about MOVA Volleyball Club, click here.

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