The first touchpoint your athletes will have with your events is often during registration. Make sure that this process is organized and runs smoothly.
tro·phy.’trōfē. noun. 1. a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
Recently, the topic of participation trophies, the physical trophy awarded to youth athletes for participating in their sports program, league or organization, has been a topic of divisive debate. So the question: Do you believe participants should receive a trophy for simply participating?
There are defensible arguments on both sides, which I will highlight here. In case you wish to cut to the chase and not read the rest, is: Participation trophies are dependent on the core values behind your desire to award them and what your definition of participation, the trophy, victory and success mean.
Before I spoil you with my core values and definitions, let’s outline the positive arguments on both sides.
I see the benefit of teaching young kids the value of commitment early in life, but not at the expense of teaching characteristics that translate to other key life lessons.
Over the years I have had the privilege of working with and learning from thousands of elite coaches, trainers and intelligent athletic business owners. I have also enjoyed coaching youth baseball (ages 8 to 12) for over eight years.
Every season I start by outlining the team rules and expectations at the first practice. These include things like: show up on time, what to wear, how to treat one another, etc. But we also start each season by thinking with the end in mind, so I tell my players: I am volunteering to coach to help you win a little league championship. In pursuit of that goal, I commit to helping you develop as a baseball player and as a human being.
As each season unfolds, time separates the talented, committed and coachable. Practice roll calls start to become routine, revealing the same player or players who are a no call / no show or arrive thirty minutes late (sometimes to games – put me in coach!), or worse, the players who show up all the time and do not care which way the wind blows. In this case, they are hurting the majority of the kids who care about the outcome and winning that championship.
Using a little reverse psychology, if I come into work at Upper Hand everyday clocking in 9 to 5, but fall short on monthly, quarterly or annual goals do you think my shareholders, employees or Board give me a participation trophy celebrating my commitment to the company? Of course not – someone else plays in my position and I get the bench.
Here are alternatives to participation trophies that accomplish the same goal:
In conclusion, recognizing the value of both commitment and the work ethic it takes to win, is critical in developing successful athletes and helping them grow into successful adults. Make sure you outline clear core values for your athletes, and then decide the most effective way to reward those exhibited values.
The first touchpoint your athletes will have with your events is often during registration. Make sure that this process is organized and runs smoothly.
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