Coronavirus Update from Upper Hand CEO

Upper Hand Software
INDIANAPOLIS (March 17, 2020) – On behalf of our team at Upper Hand, our hearts are with all those impacted by COVID-19. Leaders across the company have been highly focused on mitigating the potential impact of the novel coronavirus. Our two main guiding principles remain consistent: 1) protect the health and safety of our employees and 2) protect our sustainability at a time of distress for our customers who need us more than ever.

The situation has progressed, and we have decided to move to the next step of precautionary measures in our contingency planning. In order to reduce the risk of virus transmission, we are taking measures to maximize “social distancing” by asking employees at Upper Hand to work from home, and by restricting travel within the United States.

We are taking these actions out of an abundance of caution. Our goal is to reduce risk while maintaining as much productivity as possible. We have a unique responsibility to ensure continuity of our services and the continued development of needed features for our customers. By minimizing staff in our offices, we are reducing the risk of inadvertent transmission to workers who do not have the option of continuing to do their work from home.

Therefore we are taking the following actions until further notice:

  • With the goal of reducing the number of employees on site at Upper Hand, we are asking senior leadership to move their teams to working from home as much as possible.

  • Restricting domestic air and public transportation travel in the US (including trains and buses) on all business travel.

  • Eliminating live meetings with greater than 5 attendees.

  • Restricting visitors and guests at Upper Hand to business-critical and time-sensitive only.

We continue to monitor this dynamic situation locally, regionally, and nationally, and will adjust as necessary. As we have said, we are committed to communicate with you as we have updated guidance.

As always, we know our team at Upper Hand, our communities, and our nation will rise to the challenge.  This period will end, and when it does, I know we will look back proudly on how we acted toward each other, and toward our important work, during this difficult time.

Kevin MacCauley

Founder and CEO, Upper Hand

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