How to Improve Client Retention (Plus 9 Free Survey Templates)

Manual Scheduling

Learn 3 key tips to help you improve client retention in our latest edition of The Huddle. Plus, download 9 free survey templates. First impressions can go a long way when it comes to member retention. From the moment a new member signs up, walks through your doors and interacts with your staff, they are forming their first impression.

Best Practices for Running Memberships

Lease or Build a Sports Facility

It is often the goal for businesses to reach a point of consistent recurring revenue, as it signals long term success and sustained profitability. Sports and fitness businesses typically gain recurring revenue through memberships. Whether you currently operate on a membership-model or are considering the benefits for the future, here are a few best practices that will help you get the most out of your membership types.

Keep your Balance with the Payment Allocations Report

Pet Training Programs

As a business owner, there are many daily tasks you are required to keep track of. And with the excitement that comes with running a sports and fitness business, those small tasks may occasionally get pushed to the wayside. Some tasks are okay if held off until the next day. Others – like checking your cash drawer – absolutely must be done.

How To Protect Your Business Against Unpaid Balances

Engaging Content

You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s always a good reminder to any business owner… unpaid balances are not only an inconvenience to you, but they can also set your business back tremendously. Regardless of the size of your business, unpaid balances can and will impact your cash flow. Which is why it’s important to have a plan in place on how to communicate with customers that owe you money.

Failed Payments Happen: Here’s How to Address Them

Indoor Sports Facility

Getting behind on collecting failed payments can become a slippery slope for your business. First and foremost, it means you’re missing out on a large amount of already-earned revenue. Profits from your offerings add up quickly, which means being behind on failed payments can cost you in a big way.

Steal this Idea: Build a Customer Birthday Campaign (in 30 minutes or less)

Birthdays are a great opportunity to make your clients and customers feel special. Recognizing their big day shows that you care about them as more than just another face in your class, and can do a lot for client satisfaction! That’s why we’re breaking down exactly how you can create a customer engagement campaign to celebrate your clients’ birthdays. The best part? This campaign can come together in under 30 minutes.