Top Basketball Drills and Resources

Top Best Basketball Drills

From rebounds and free-throws, to footwork and passing, basketball drills for coaches are endless! We’ve compiled a list of some of the top sites and drills that will help basketball academies take training to the next level. Updating the drills can only help players become better and play to the best of their ability. You’ve probably used a lot of the same basketball drills for years, but it’s always a good idea to widen your playbook, not just to improve the training you offer, but for your own mental growth.Below you’ll find a compilation of our favorite online drills and training resources. Keep the whole team motivated by challenging them to try new things and the push boundaries!

Top Basketball Drills and Resources


Complete with awesome gifs, Complex offers 10 Basketball Drills Every Player Should Master. This one covers it all, from defensive drills, shooting and passing, and ball handling.

Basketball for Coaches offers some great resources for basketball trainers. We especially love these drills for youth basketball coaches that keep the kids learning, while also having fun! See 27 Basketball Drills and Games for Kids.

Drills by Category

  • ReboundingRebound stats have a major impact on the game of basketball, so training players to pro-actively capture a rebound is a critical component for effective training. Breakthrough Basketball offers tips drills and fundamentals on How to Improve Basketball Rebounding.
  • Partner DrillsThere’s nothing worse than a ball hog. Even star players need to know how to work with the team, or they won’t stay on top for long. To help build strong team relationship’s, Coach’s Clipboard offers a number of Partner Passing and Shooting Drills.
  • DribblingWith 1.1 million subscribers, and hours worth of training videos. The I Love Basketball TV Youtube channel is a great place to search for any basketball drill or techniques your looking to tweak in your training. This one in particular takes things to the next level with some Dribbling Progression Drills. Another great list from Basketball for Coaches is the 50 Basketball Dribbling Drills. These drills help players develop amazing ball handling. Bonus: You can find some quick tips at the bottom of the article to help athletes improve all their dribbling drills.
  • LayupsOnline Basketball Drills boasts that this 4 Minute Layup Drill is great for passing, finishing, communication and conditioning. They also offer multiple coaching tips and drill variations. Breakthrough Basketball shares these 3 Lay Up Shooting Progressions with videos. They are great for beginners or to refresh technique with more experienced players. These showcase some of our favorite basketball drills.
  • PassingIt’s one thing to throw the ball around at practice, but it’s important to prepare athlete’s for the high-pressure situations that they will face during the game. USA Basketball offers a comprehensive list of passing drills for high-pressure situations.
  • Technique – When running through any of the above basketball drills, it’s important to keep general technique tips in mind. The more players run through drills using inappropriate technique, the harder it will be to break those bad habits. Breakthrough Basketball shares these Proper Techniques, Fundamentals, and Form that should be taught early and reviewed often.

Feedback and Evaluations

By practicing these basketball drills, your players will develop and refine the technical skills they need to succeed. Don’t forget to give them meaningful athlete evaluations to help take their skills to the next level. There are also plenty of training programs that focus on specific skills such as vertical jump development.

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