Sports facility management

Whether you’re a sports business owner, manager, coach, or trainer, you know firsthand how administrative tasks pile up. Keeping operations running efficiently can be a struggle with all of the tasks that you juggle.

Upper Hand is designed to help your business run more effectively and cater to your business needs. Here are some ways that Upper Hand can assist in making your sports business more efficient.

Improve Your Sports Business Operations

Upper Hand streamlines all of your operational tasks, resulting in more time for you to train athletes. Features such as scheduling and registration, resource management, marketing tools, payment processing, and more will help you keep your business organized.

An owner of a baseball training academy says this about his experience using Upper Hand:

“With Upper Hand, group training is a lot more possible than without it. And I think with the groups, we can get a 20 to 25 percent revenue increase that we wouldn’t have had. If it wasn’t for Upper Hand, it would be tough to do it because there’s not enough time in the day and it probably would have just burned me out completely.”

Not only does Upper Hand help improve operations, but it also opens up time for you to create more programs, resulting in a revenue increase.

Improve client experience

As a sports business owner or coach, your relationships with your clients are very important. There is increasing competition in the sports business world, and the human touch that you bring to the table is what sets you apart from the competition. Many clients or athletes won’t think twice about switching to another training facility if they have a bad experience.

With Upper Hand, you can ensure a seamless booking experience. From a smooth scheduling and registration process to sending automated reminders and marketing emails before your events, to allowing a variety of payment options, your clients will be happy doing business with you. And, with less confusion on logistics, you can spend time getting to know and building relationships with your clients.

Offer an easy training process for your sport business

Utilize Upper Hand’s education resources when training new staff. If you have front desk staff that often rotates, whether they’re summer employees, high school students, etc, you may find yourself tired from having to train your staff. Upper Hand University is a great way to train your employees without cutting into your busy schedule.

Upper Hand University (UHU) features videos that walk through each software feature. Utilize UHU to train staff how to use Upper Hand, and select the tutorials you need depending on the features you use the most. Take some training tasks off your back with Upper Hand University.

Ditch the pen and paper

Going digital is the key to increasing efficiency in your business. Gone are the days when you have to write down attendance, manually organize data, play phone tag with clients, and remember to collect payments in person. Having all of your information in one sports management app will save you time and headaches. With Upper Hand’s mobile app, you can manage your sports business from anywhere while getting ahead of the competition through data collection.

Athlete progression tracking

Athlete progression tracking is a great example of utilizing data collection to improve. Track your athletes’ workouts, improvements, injuries, and more. By seeing your athletes’ data in one place, you can make informed decisions when individualizing each training program, coaching your teams strategically, and monitoring progress.

Upper Hand AI

Another way to collect data efficiently is to utilize Upper Hand AI. Upper Hand’s dedicated data team interprets your business data and provides visuals to help understand it. Upper Hand AI allows you to:

  • Track which event types and times bring you the most revenue
  • Gather geographical information on your audience to make better marketing choices
  • Forcast industry trends that will drive revenue
  • Gain access to marketing insights from other platforms

With Upper Hand AI, you receive data that can be used to make informed decisions and drive revenue each year. You also do not have to go through the hassle of collecting papers, keeping track of data, and interpreting it on your own. Upper Hand’s data team is passionate about what they do and excited to help you grow your business through data analysis.

At the end of the day, you can run your business using a pen and paper. However, you can expand your business to new heights with Upper Hand. Not only does Upper Hand’s sports management software help your business run more efficiently, but it also allows you to introduce more programs, grow your revenue, and focus on what you love- training athletes.


If you don’t yet have a sports management software, Upper Hand can help! Get a demo of Upper Hand AI today, and see how you can start making better decisions backed by data.

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