20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers

growing a sports facility
This article was written by CIO Review and published in July 2018.

20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers

Over the years, technology has modernized the sports arena. The current era has seen integration of technologies within the sports domain to enhance the quality of decision making that ultimately affects the result. From big data analytics to mobility, social media, predictive analytics, wearable technologies, and the cloud, technology has an enormous impact on the immersive sporting experience. Today, the sports industry is demanding more connectivity and an engaging and interactive experience for all. Researchers in the sports industry are taking a deep-dive to discover most innovative technologies to ensure more fan engagement and sophisticated customer interaction, with some looking to learn about digital twin technology and see how they can apply it. This is where AR, VR, and machine learning will continue to have an impact on the game we watch and play and these technologies are likely to see widespread adoption very soon. The advent of digital coins such as cryptocurrency and blockchain is also becoming a hot trend in the sports industry, as it enables full control of the ticket resale market, and prevents tickets from being fraudulently copied or shared. Of course, the success of this utilization of the cryptocurrency technology relies on wider adoption of Bitcoin and similar currencies; those interested in doing so may wish to check out the Bitcoin Australia website for more information on Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies in general. These digital coins also have the potential to disrupt the sports industry through their ability to mitigate risk and enable new secure transfers of information. Those looking to get involved in cryptocurrencies might want to check out the ways in which one might go about doing this – https://cryptoevent.io/review/bitcoin-code/. There are many resources available on cryptocurrencies for those who are interested in trading in Bitcoin and other types of digital currency. If you are interested in learning more about investing or trading in cryptocurrency, you can search online for the best crypto exchanges which could help with your investments. With the sports industry exhibiting a great deal of reliance on technology, technology solution providers are ensuring that the business of sports is lucrative with their incessant innovations. Truly, now it’s the right time for enterprises to consider using best-in-class sports technology solutions for their business. To help CIOs zero in on the right fit sports technology solutions for their organizations, CIOReview presents the “20 Most Promising Sports Technology Solution Providers – 2018.” Read the Full List Here.
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