Choosing the right sports camp for their child is a major decision for parents. They aren’t just looking for a place to keep their kids
If you’re a coach, you’ve probably tossed around the idea of running your own youth sports camp – and for good reason. Sports camps are a great way to build your sports program’s brand and increase exposure in your local community. They’re an effective way to evaluate a large group of athletes for an upcoming league season and for athletes to get a lot of training in a short time. And let’s not kid ourselves, camps are a great source of short (but labor intensive) training time.
So, you have the facilities booked, flyers are printed, online registration is live, and the links are up on social media… now what? Do you have a plan for once you get the campers in the door? It’s time to get your agenda down on paper.
In addition to helping you and your staff plan, sharing the sports camp schedule with parents and athletes when they arrive at the camp will be a hit. This will give athletes an idea of what to expect and should get them excited for the training ahead. This will help to reassure parents that they are leaving their kids in responsible hands. It will demonstrate that you are prepared and capable of working with these youth athletes. On top of having a clear and concise outline, you should also take into consideration a backup plan for the unpredictable (ie: weather if this is an outdoor training camp).
The below sample sports camp schedule can be altered to work for a variety of different camp lengths and sport types. Of course, your agenda is going to depend on the skill-level of the camp you’re hosting. For example, if it’s more of a college recruiting or showcase event, you’re going to be doing more playing than drills and coaching. However, most of the ideas below can be applied to youth sports camps, whether shorter day events or week-long overnight camps.
Choosing the right sports camp for their child is a major decision for parents. They aren’t just looking for a place to keep their kids
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