Why Our Customers Love Upper Hand | Stories From Our Team

This article was written by Keely McGrath, Product Marketer at Upper Hand. We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again and we’ll keep on saying it… we have the best customers. They trust our solution, feed off of our culture and share our same values. They continue to bring us new ideas that allow us to grow with them each and every day and we are so fortunate they chose us.  And that’s the thing… they chose us. But why? A question that companies don’t often take the time to reflect on, but can say a lot about their business. Think about it, as a consumer, you spend hours and hours researching and testing different platforms until you find the perfect fit for your needs. We are honored that customers have chosen us and continue to choose us, so we thought we’d outline their “why”. Here are four reasons:

Four Reasons Our Customers Love Upper Hand


It’s built by you, for you.

And we mean it. One of the “coolest” parts of our company is that we build our solution based directly on our customer feedback. Each of our customers is given access to our product portal where they have the ability to vote on feature ideas based on the importance to their business, submit new ideas and see those features push through our development cycle.
“We have been a user since the beginning of when Upper Hand created their software. I have been able to grow my personal business along with the growth of Upper Hand. They have always listened to user ideas and have implemented many of our suggestions. They’ve been a great fit for our company.” – Chris Husby, Special Teams Football Academy

We grow our capabilities alongside your needs.

We know that as your business grows, your needs list grows too. We are committed to ensuring our product stays the perfect fit for your business along the way. Our product portal gives customers the opportunity to tell us what features are a priority for their business and in turn, gives us a clear picture of what features to work on next. In the past year, we’ve had 115 features tied directly to our customer’s feedback.

Transparency comes first.

We pride ourselves on our transparency with our customers. Through our product portal, customers will know exactly what we are working on and where it is at in our development process. This past year, we collected 390 total insights from customers that helped us not only prioritize features based on the importance to our customers but also shape what we worked on next.
Upper Hand sports has been fantastic for my business! They listen to their consumers and are constantly striving to make improvements. They have grown in their functionality each year I have used them and my clients like using it as well. Every time I make a suggestion they work as fast as they can to make software updates. Top-notch customer service and professionalism. -Patrick Colgan, The Sharpened Athlete

We keep you doing what you love.

At the end of the day, our customers are using our software to manage their business. Our goal is to ensure that our customers are continuing to do what they love, whether that be on the field or court, in a gym or training facility. We aim to make running their business smooth, worry free and efficient. See how Upper Hand can give your business the competitive edge. Schedule a demo today.  
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