How Baseball Training Facilities Can Offer a Low-Touch Client Experience

Baseball facility tips
As COVID continues to affect our world, now more than ever sports facilities are responsible for ensuring player and staff safety. As part of initiatives to maintain social distancing and mitigate risk of COVID transmission, facilities and coaches are encouraged to offer low-risk and low-touch workflows for their athletes. This means minimizing time spent at the front desk completing tasks that can be optimized for quick and efficient digital capabilities. A key to your baseball facility’s post-COVID business growth is ensuring your processes make your athletes and their parents feel positively about their safety during this time. Offering low-touch workflows across all stages of the client experience will help your staff limit health risks (and promote staff and athlete safety) during this time.  An additional benefit of offering low-touch customer interactions with your business is continued positive brand impressions and heightened loyalty to your facility. 

4 Ways to Integrate a Low-Touch Workflow Into Your Athlete Experience

Online Booking

The natural first step to a low-touch client experience is offering online booking and event registration. Your online presence should serve as both a place where clients go to learn about your business and offerings, and where they sign up for memberships, camps, clinics, and other events. The online scheduling and rebooking process is an integral element of the client experience – especially for new members – and by using an online scheduling software like Upper Hand, you can promote your differentiated brand and offerings, gaining a clear advantage over the competition.

Digital Waivers

Another effortless way to incorporate low-touch workflows into your business is by moving to paperless waivers. This will not only allow you to store client documents more securely, but will decrease time spent manually filling out paper waivers at the front desk, allowing you to seamlessly introduce athletes to your facility and staff. 
Customer Story: How an Iowa baseball facility came out of COVID closures stronger than before with the help and guidance of Upper Hand

Contactless Check-out

Reducing time spent at your facility’s front desk is important to getting customers in and out efficiently and with minimal contact. Offering digital transaction methods plays a big role in this. With Upper Hand, athletes can pay for their memberships and events online with secure payment processing that gives them peace of mind. The transaction process is quick and easy, and mitigates risk that comes with extended front desk contact.

Automatic Rebooking

The final and potentially most important low-touch experience you can offer your customers is an automated rebooking process. Coupling reminder emails and notifications with a secure memory of their preferred payment makes rebooking a breeze, and minimizes time spent at the front desk of your facility.
Learn how Upper Hand helps baseball facilities offer low-touch client experience opportunities!
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