The month of March is filled with madness. But the madness doesn’t stop with just basketball!

The Upper Hand team has been hard at work making updates to our sports scheduling app to increase your efficiency and grow your bottom line. We’ve not only added new features and functionality to help you better manage your business, but we’ve also tackled some “quick wins” that have a big impact on your day to day.

We’ve got a lot of exciting updates to share from the past month, so let’s dive in and take a look at the highlights.

Keep track of time with a new calendar time indicator

In response to customer feedback, we’ve added a blue timeline and clock on our calendar that shows the live time of day. This helps you keep a pulse on the time at a glance, and can give you a better visual when utilizing the calendar. For example, if your calendar is pretty full, you’ll quickly be able to scroll and find which sessions or programs you’ve got coming up next!

New time indicator on the Upper Hand calendar

Close out your cash drawer

Historically, there was no way to reconcile your cash drawer at the end of the day unless you had Admin Access (which grants access to your business reporting). But, we recognize the importance of your staff or front desk workers having the ability to do this. So, we’ve added a Daily Closeout Report that enables your front desk, managers, or other staff members to keep an accurate account of your business’ cash flow at the beginning or end of the day.

close out your cash drawer

Designate seasons to your teams

You can now assign your team registrations to a specific season. This helps you stay organized, especially when you are coaching multiple teams throughout a year. And, it helps you accurately report and keep track of your various teams year after year.

designate a season for your teams

Transfer clients between team rosters

Speaking of teams, we’ve added the ability to easily transfer athletes between team rosters.

Similar to our flow of transferring athletes between fixed-scheduled events like camps and clinics, Admins are able to swiftly move an athlete between rosters. This helps you efficiently manage your team – because we know that sometimes things change, and you need to make adjustments!

  • A few things to note:
    If an athlete is on a payment plan, they will remain on their original team/ payment plan, unless those payments are cancelled.
  • Similarly, they will not be enrolled in a new payment plan for their new team (no need to worry about double payments!).
  • Athletes will stay on any “completed” team sessions that occurred prior to being transferred to a new team, to help you accurately report attendance of who was at each team session throughout a season.
transfer an athlete from one team roster to another

Last Time Out

In case you missed it, our team pushed some exciting new features in Q1. Here are a few of the highlights:

Manage payment plans for your camps, clinics, and teams

You can now easily update, or cancel, a payment plan payment date. If a client needs extra time to make a team payment, for example, you can extend by updating that future payment date for that individual.


View and download client waivers

You and your clients are now able to view a copy of their waiver on their accounts, and download the proof of the agreement. This makes it easier for you to show proof of waiver agreement to the waiver should an issue arise. 

Click here for a full overview of new features pushed last month.

Coming Soon

In addition to these recent updates, we’ve also got some exciting new features coming soon. Here’s a little sneak peak at what’s coming next.

  • Further segment your contacts with new filtering capabilities.
  • Add additional emails to a parent account to receive email notifications.
  • Quickly identify refunded payments on the Client Profile Page with a new refund indicator.
  • Add a client to your contacts as a Lead Status without them receiving an invite to create an account in order to target them with marketing emails.

Like what you see?

We’re always making upgrades to the Upper Hand app, and would love to connect with you to show you the newest features (and more) with a personalized walkthrough! Click here to request a demo and to schedule a call with a member of our team. Not ready to talk to someone? No problem. We’ve got a number of interactive product tours that will give you a look under the hood. Check them out here!

Already an Upper Hand customer? These features are already live and in your account. Log in to get started!

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