February feature roundup

February may be the shortest month of the year (even with the leap day!). But, there was no shortage of updates to the Upper Hand software February feature roundup.

We’ve continued to make upgrades to Upper Hand’s sports management software to increase flexibility and efficiency for you, your staff members, and your clients. We’ve also continued to tackle quick wins that improve your user experience.

Here’s a look at what went live in the app in February Feature Roundup.

Manage Payment Plans for Camps, Clinics, and Teams

To improve flexibility when managing payment plans for camps, clinics, and teams, we have added the ability for you to manage those payments. Now, you can update a payment plan payment date. If a client needs extra time to make a team payment, for example, you can extend by updating that future payment date for that individual.

In some cases, you may also need to cancel an upcoming payment plan payment. For example, if an athlete can now only attend half of a camp, and they were in a 2-payment payment plan, you now have the option to cancel the second payment if you so choose.

February feature roundup

View and Download Client Waivers

You and your clients are now able to view a copy of their waiver on their accounts, and download the proof of the agreement. This makes it easier for you to show proof of waiver agreement to the waiver should an issue arise. This waiver download includes the business name, client name, date of acceptance, and the content within the waiver.

If you don’t yet have a custom waiver added to your software account, your clients are prompted to sign the blanket Upper Hand waiver. For more information on how to upload your own custom waiver in Upper Hand, click here. Not sure where to start? Click here for more information on what you should include in an athlete waiver.

Related: We’ve put together a free waiver and release template for sports businesses. Download your copy here!

February feature roundup

Quickly Identify Missing Athlete Waivers

Speaking of waivers, we’ve added a No Waiver on File indicator in POS, making it easier for you to identify if a client has not yet signed your business waiver. This helps you stay on top of waiver collection and ensure both you and your clients are protected prior to training with your business.

February feature roundup

Calendar Card Upgrades

We heard feedback from our clients that we could make the client check-in process simpler for front desk staff.

You are now able to hover over a calendar card and click on the attendees to open the check-in drawer. This reduces the number of clicks you or your front desk staff need to complete when checking clients in, saving time when you are checking in multiple athletes for various events at the same time.

For Classes specifically, we have made some additional improvements to the Calendar Card. For any class with more than 2 attendees, the maximum number of clients will now populate on the Calendar Card, making it easier for you and your front desk staff to stay on top of your class rosters.

February feature roundup

Last Time Out

In case you missed it, our team pushed some exciting new features to kick off the new year. Here are a few of the highlights:

Better manage your team of staff

Gone are the days of emailing our support team to add an additional admin user to your account! You can now invite new staff members as Admins from the Staff Contacts page. This makes it easier for you to give your team the access they need to run your business. And, edit Staff user levels at any time from the Staff Contacts page.

Design engaging marketing emails

Our new marketing email capabilities give you even more flexibility to send vibrant and engaging marketing emails inside the Upper Hand software. Highlight important elements with bold or colored text, and easily include images or links to invite them to take action.

Click here for a full overview of new features pushed last month.

Like what you see?

If you’d like to take a look at the February feature roundup in more depth, request a demo with a member of our team. Already an Upper Hand customer? These features are already live and in your account. Log in to get started!

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